Since I didn't take a picture of the living room/kitchen wall before all of the destruction took place I took some pictures of the next best thing last night. Molly's place is the mirror image of mine and she was nice enough to let me intrude so that I could have complete photo documentation of the Before and After.
Here are the "real" Before (with the magic of Photoshop working a mirror image flip for me):

I find it odd that the wall color looks so different in these two pictures. I swear it's the same space just from to vantage points. It is a bit eerie to see these two images, knowing that they weren't taken from my house and feel like they just had to have been. Molly is it weird for you too?
Up soon are the final images of my "wall" remodel. I met with a drywall contractor last night. I'm going to let go of the project at this point and actually pay someone to finish it off. He's going to also fix other imperfections in some adjoining walls while he's there. And he's even going to put the molding on the half wall. Keep your fingers crossed that it will all be done by next weekend!
When I say final images I really don't mean final because then I'll have to paint the living room, and repaint the kitchen wall. But "Close enough for government work", as my dad always says. Then again he also always says "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades." So it depends on which of his -isms that I choose to pay attention to. Given my slightly OCD nature I have a feeling that I will not be truly happy until the couch has arrived, which barring any unforeseen issues should be some time in mid-late November. Until then I'll have to be happy with progress for progress sake.
Some day I'll get around to putting up Before and After images of my bathroom too. But since I hate the color I painted it I'm going to withhold those for a while.
1 comment:
Emily: This is lookin' GOOD!!! Keep me posted on your work; I'd love to feature the finished product!
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